Lootcreate is a game all about opening crates, getting loot, and selling that loot to open up more crates! [or keeping it to sell later!] There are 64 different pieces of loot to collect, ranging from Ultra Common to Unbelievably Godly! This is a tiny little minimalistic project just to get me back into the developing game since I haven't ever really finished a game before. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Lootcreate 1.2 (Mar 30, '20)
Lootcreate 1.1 Day 1 Patch (Mar 24, '20)
Lootcreate 1.0 (Mar 23, '20)
1.2 (All Roads Lead to Larry) notes
- Added Combining Recipes
- Added Unique Item Counter to Inventory
- Added Tooltips (mouse over an item or recipe to see its name and description)
- Changed Some Item Prices
- Changed/Fixed Names/Descriptions
- Removed Crate Opening Cooldown
- Software overhaul for LOVE2D 11.3 (Mysterious Mysteries) support
1.1 Day 1 Patch notes
- Reduced clover crates cap from 100 to 15 crates
- Added Restart Button on 0 items / can't afford crate
- Added Godly Clovers
- Added Different Background Colors for Clovers / Godly Clovers
- Increased crate price from 1 to 2 credits
- Improved UI slightly
- Fixed Extremely/Unbelievably Godly SFX bug
- Fixed Fictional Squid Figurine bug
- If you sell an item and have nothing in your inventory, you get one complimentary "Nothing" [Fixed "save.loot" bug]
- Fixed Rarity bug [golden lemur and above are now proportionately hard to get]
- Fixed Larry Luciano bug [getting Larry doesn't crash the game anymore]